Thursday, September 11, 2008

Patriot Day 2008

Have you forgotten? More and more, I feel like the world has forgotten the tragedy that rocked our very foundation 7 years ago. I know they say that "time heals all wounds", but this is one wound that needs to be revisited, so that we don't forget those that gave their lives that day, and all those who have given their lives since, in the name of "freedom". Do we stop to realize how blessed we are to have been placed on this earth at this time? We should never take that for granted. We have a responsibility to our posterity to preserve this land, our freedom, so that they may experience all that we have had the priviledge of having, as our forefathers did for us.
I hope you will all take a moment today, to remember the fallen, to send thanks above for all that we have, and to do your part in preserving this great country and all that it stands for.



Kim Messick said...

I always wish I could do more! I am truly grateful to all those who volunteer for my freedom! And my heart goes out to those who lost loved ones that day and all those who tried to save survivors and might have lost their own lives doing so!
Bless this country and those who are faithful to it!

Florene or Lori said...

Thank you, Heather for your comments. Thank God for those who DO remember and take a moment to pray~ Thank God for all those who have volunteered to serve our Country and prserve not only our freedom but bring freedom to others around the globe. And God bless those who don't understand, who say to us "Can't we just forget this and move on?" To them I say, "Oh, no, my friend! We cannot - we MUST not forget that day -- ever! I thank God for parents who loved their country and served whenever and however they could! I thank God for a Brother who served honorably in the United States Navy and would still, if he were able. I thank God for a daughter and her husband who love their Country so much that they gave years of their lives and time to serve their Country in the United States Naval Reserve and would still serve if they were able! I thank God for a "Grandson" who gave his life in the Military because he believed in the cause of Freedom!

Thank you, Heather for reminding us of our Patriotic Duty to "REMEMBER!"